See all homes sold in Linden, August 7 to August 13

The following is a listing of all home transfers in Linden reported from August 7 to August 13. There were 11 transactions posted during this time....

August 17, 2023
5:14 AM

The following is a listing of all home transfers in Linden reported from August 7 to August 13. There were 11 transactions posted during this time. During this period, the median sale for the area was a 1,142-square-foot home on Alberta Avenue in Linden that sold for $525,000. Linden 539 Monmouth Ave., Linden, $300,000, 864 square feet, $347 per square-foot. 2615 Grasselli Ave., Linden, $400,000, 648 square feet, $617 per square-foot. 619 W. Blancke Street, Linden, $401,000, 812 square feet, $494 per square-foot.

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